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Hora do Gol, Futebol do Brasil 1.0.8
Netco Sports Group
Imagine um App que não deixa você perder nenhum gol, da Série D àChampions League ? Esse é o Hora do Gol, o App que acompanha emtempo real os campeonatos do Brasil e do mundo para você que éfanático por futebol.- Cobertura dos principais campeonatos do Brasil e do mundo (comalertas de gols): Brasileirão (A,B,C,D), Copa do Brasil,Libertadores, Premier League, Bundesliga, Espanhol, Italiano,Champions League, Copa América, Eliminatórias e AmistososInternacionais- Alertas de gols de todos os jogos- Alertas de gols com o hino do seu time do coração (Série A)- Alertas de início e final de jogo, cartões e escalação- Opção para personalizar com seu time preferido- Classificação atualizada com artilheiros- Estatísticas e Histórico de Confrontos- Fichas completas de milhares de craquesHora do Gol é um aplicativo produzido pela Netco Sports, líderEuropeia em Apps esportivos.
Grêmio FBPA Oficial 1.3
Netco Sports Group
Um app digno da melhor e maior torcida gaúcha!Acompanhe, ao vivo, os jogos do tricolor e fique por dentro denotícias exclusivas e atualizadas diariamente. A rádio do Grêmiotambém estará disponível durante os jogos.Além disto, diversas funcionalidades, inéditas estão disponíveisaos assinantes Grêmio Premium:- AlertasFeitos para você que deseja sempre estar acompanhando, de perto, osjogos do mosqueteiro gaúcho. Escolha um ou mais jogos para receberalertas de gol, escalação, começo, intervalo e fim da partida- FotofanO jeito mais divertido de tirar e compartilhar fotos com seusamigos! Com diversos efeitos e adereços você deixará suas fotos coma cara, o corpo e a alma gremista- Guia da partidaUm jornal semanal com conteúdo exclusivo apenas para os assinantesdo Grêmio Premium : Tenha todos as informações dos jogos antesmesmo de nossos heróis entrarem em campo.- VídeosO seu canal 100% Grêmio! Assista aos vídeos dos bastidores,entrevistas, treinamentos e muito mais!- WallpapersBaixe wallpapers exclusivos e deixe o seu smartphone vestido com ascores do Grêmio.Existem dois tipos de assinatura para acessar estas funcionalidades:- 1 anoUm melhor custo benefício : Você ganha todas as funcionalidadesdescritas acima por apenas 19,99 reais.- 1 mêsTodas as funcionalidades descritas acima por apenas 2 reaisCom o Grêmio Premium você ajudará o seu time a ser ainda maior!O que está esperando para se juntar à avalanche gremista nomundo dos smartphones? Baixe o aplicativo, assine o Grêmio Premiume, mais do que nunca, acompanhe o Grêmio onde o Grêmio estiver!An appworthy of the best and biggest fans Gaucho!Follow live, the games of the tricolor and get inside newsexclusive and updated daily. Radio Sorority will also be availableduring the games.Moreover, several features are available to subscribersunprecedented Grêmio Premium:- AlertsMade for you who want to always be watching, closely matchesMusketeer gaucho. Choose one or more games to receive goal alerts,escalation, beginning and end of the interval starting- FotofanThe most fun way to take and share photos with your friends! Withmultiple effects and props you will leave your photos with theface, body and soul gremista- Guide departureA weekly newspaper with exclusive content only for subscribersSorority Premium: Have all the information of the games even beforeour heroes enter the court.- VideosYour channel 100% Guild! Watch videos the scenes, interviews,trainings and much more!- WallpapersDownload exclusive wallpapers and let your smartphone dressed inthe colors of the Guild.There are two types of subscription to access these features:- 1 yearA more cost effective: You get all the features described above foronly 19.99 dollars.- 1 monthAll the features described above for only 2 realWith Gremio Premium you will help your team to be evenbigger!What are you waiting for join the avalanche gremista the worldof smartphones? Download the app, sign Gremio Premium, and morethan ever, which accompanies the Grêmio Grêmio is!
SC Internacional Oficial 1.0
Netco Sports Group
Aplicativo Oficial do Sport Club InternacionalAtravés do aplicativo oficial do Sport Club Internacionalotorcedor colorado poderá acompanhar todas as notícias doclube,lance a lance de todos os jogos, fotos e vídeos,integraçãocompleta com Facebook, Twitter e Instagram e muitomais...Além disso, o app conta com a área Inter Prime* que entregaráaosfãs conteúdos e funcionalidades exclusivas para os assinantes:- AlertasAcompanhe de perto, os jogos do S.C Internacional. Escolha umoumais jogos para receber alertas de gol, escalação,começo,intervalo e fim da partida.- FotoFanO jeito mais divertido de tirar e compartilhar fotos comseusamigos! Com diversos efeitos e adereços você deixará suasfotosmuito mais colorada.- Flash-info (Notícias em Primeira Mão)Receba em seu aparelho alertas das grandes novidades doS.CInternacional e seja o primeiro a saber de tudo sobreocolorado- Vídeos e Fotos ExclusivosO seu conteúdo 100% Colorado! Assista a vídeos e fotosdosbastidores, entrevistas, treinamentos e muito mais!- WallpapersBaixe wallpapers exclusivos e deixe o seu smartphone muitomaiscolorado.O Inter Prime oferece dois modelos de assinatura para otorcedor:por um mês e por um ano.O que você está esperando. Ajude o Internacional a setornarainda mais gigante. Baixe agora seu aplicativo oficial doSportClub Internacional e continue a exaltar o colorado emqualquerlugar.
Netco Sports Group
Pour tous les passionnés de plongéesous-marine et de sports subaquatiques, l’application officielle dela FFESSM (Fédération Française d’Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins)est désormais disponible sur Android !Grâce à cette application « FFESSMplongée » accédez, depuisvotre mobile, où que vous soyez :• Au meilleur des actualités du monde de la plongée• Retrouvez facilement les clubs de plongée près de vous• Connectez vous à chacune des 14 activités de cette communauté.Naviguez alors au milieu de ces dernières en plongée bouteille ouen plongée libre, en sport ou en loisir.• Accédez en un clic à votre espace personnel licencié pourafficher vos niveaux et brevets, votre date de licence etassurance, et vérifier les brevets délivrés sous votre nom (pourles moniteurs).• Découvrez à chaque parution, les nouveautés du sommaire de larevue Subaqua. Et commandez facilement sur la Boutique enligne.• Faites vous plaisir en regardant des images de l’océan, de lamer, des eaux intérieures, de la plongée et des sportssubaquatiques et retrouvez le Manuel de Formation technique avecaccès direct aux contenus de tous les brevets de plongée.• En exclusivité, achetez t-shirts, polaires, coupe vent etBermuda personnalisés directement depuis la Vesti’Boutique de votreapp !« Le plaisir est sous l’eau avec FFESSMplongée ».For all lovers of divingand underwater sports, the formal application of the CMAS (FrenchFederation of Sports Studies and Underwater) is now available onAndroid!With this application "FFESSMplongée" access from your mobilewherever you are:• The best news in the world of diving• Easily find diving clubs near you• Connect to each of the 14 activities of this community. Thennavigate among these in scuba diving or snorkeling, sport orleisure.• Navigate in a click to your personal space to display yourlicensed patents levels, date of license and insurance, and checkthe patents in your name (for monitors).• Discover each issue of the new magazine Subaqua summary. Andeasily order on the online store.• Indulge yourself by looking at pictures of the ocean, sea,inland waters, diving and underwater sports and find the TechnicalTraining Manual with direct access to the contents of all patentsdiving.• Exclusive, buy t-shirts, fleece, windproof and Bermudapersonalized Vesti'Boutique directly from your app!"The pleasure is in the water with FFESSMplongée."
FFME - Montagne et Escalade 1.0.9
Netco Sports Group
Retrouvez toute l’actualité de la Fédération,gratuitement et en temps réel sur votre Android !Avec l’application FFME, une richesse d’informations estmaintenant disponible pour tous les grimpeurs et les amateurs dessports de montagne à tout moment et partout où vous voustrouvez.- Les news.- Les calendriers.- Les résultats des compétitions.- Les biographies des athlètes de l'Équipe de France.- Les photos et les vidéos.- La géolocalisation des clubs et des lieux de pratique le plusproche.La FFME est heureuse d’offrir de nouveaux services et toujoursplus d’interactivité.La FFME et NetcoSports ne seraient être tenus pour responsablesen cas d’informations erronées ou de défaillances du système degéolocalisation.Les coordonnées UTM sont données à titre indicatif.Read all the news of theFederation, free and in real time on your Android!With the application FFME, a wealth of information is nowavailable to all climbers and lovers of mountain sports at any timeand wherever you are.- News.- Calendars.- The results of the competitions.- The athlete biographies Team France.- Photos and videos.- Geolocation clubs and practice locations nearest you.FFME is pleased to offer new services and increasinginteractivity.FFME Netcosports and can not be held responsible for any falseinformation or failure geolocation system.UTM coordinates are given as an indication.
Evian Thonon Gaillard F.C. 2.1.3
Netco Sports Group
EVIAN THONON GAILLARD FC de retour sur votresmartphone Android avec une toute nouvelle application ! Avec cetteapplication officielle, accédez en temps réel à toute l’actualitédu club haut-savoyard !Au menu de l’application :- Toute l’actualité du club- Résultats, calendrier et classement- L’effectif complet et la fiche détaillée de chaque joueur- Les galeries photos et toutes les vidéos ETG TV- Une section ETG Social Club: Facebook et Twitter- La billetterie officielle- Les alertes pushTéléchargez l’application dès maintenant pour suivre votre clubpréféré, 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 !Allez les Roses !Evian Thonon Gaillard FCreturn on your Android smartphone with a new application! With thisformal application, access in real time all the news Savoyardclub! In the application menu:- All the club's news- Results, calendar and ranking- The full size and detailed each player- The photo galleries and all ETG TV videos- A ETG Social Club section: Facebook and Twitter- The official ticket- The push alertsDownload the app now to follow your favorite club, 7 days 7 and 24hours on 24!Allez les Roses!
ASNL Officiel
Netco Sports Group
Réclamée par beaucoup de supporters,voilàenfin l’application Android OFFICIELLE de l’AS NANCY LORRAINE.Grâce à elle, vous accéderez en temps réel à touteslesinformations sur votre club favori.Retrouvez ainsi toutes vos rubriques préférées :- ACTUALITÉ- NEWS- PHOTOS, VIDEOS- EFFECTIFS, JOUEURS, RÉSULTATS- FICHE DE MATCH, DIRECT, STATS- CALENDRIER, CLASSEMENT, STATSEt bien d’autres.Téléchargez la dès maintenant pour avoir l’ASNL entre vos mains7jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24.Vive l’ASNL.Claimed by many fans,thisis finally the Android OFFICIAL AS NANCY LORRAINE. With it,you canaccess real-time information on all your favorite club.Find your favorite sections and all:- NEWS- NEWS- PHOTOS, VIDEOS- STAFF, PLAYERS, RESULTS- CARD GAME DIRECT, STATS- CALENDAR STANDINGS, STATSAnd many others.Download now to get your hands ASNL 7 days 7 and 24 hourson24.ASNL live.
Vendée Globe 2016 2.1.7
Netco Sports Group
Thanks to the official Vendée Globe 2016application, prepare yourself to follow the most impressivesingle-handed non-stop round-the-world race with no assistance forall skippers.This app allows you to:- Follow all the news on the Vendée Globe preparation- Access to the skippers info, attendees and preregistered- Get information on the previous editions of the race- Connect yourself to the eshop- Prepare your venue at Les Sables d’Olonne- Share your feelings thanks to the official social networks (FB,Twitter, Instagram) of Vendée Globe.
RSCA Official by Proximus 1.3
Netco Sports Group
RSC Anderlecht arrive sur SmartphoneetTablette Android !Accédez en temps réel à toute l'actualité sportive de votreclubfavori grâce à cette application novatrice et moderne!Retrouvez l’actualité, les résultats et le classement delanouvelle saison ainsi que les fiches joueurs. Pour ne rienraterdes violets, consultez les vidéos et les photos desentrainementsainsi que les interviews exclusives!Suivez tous les matchs où que vous soyez grâce à des feuillesdematchs et des statistiques de jeu détaillées.Téléchargez dès à présent l’application gratuite et officielleduclub RSC Anderlecht!!RSC Anderlecht arrivesonAndroid Smartphone and Tablet!Real-time access to all your favorite sports news thanks tothisinnovative application and modern club!Find the latest news, results and standings of the new seasonandthe players cards. To not miss violet, see videos and photosofworkouts and exclusive interviews!Follow all the games wherever you are thanks to game sheetsanddetailed game statistics.Download now free and official application clubRSCAnderlecht!
Orange AFCON SOUTH AFRICA 2013 1.0.8
Netco Sports Group
Enjoy the entire competition on yourAndroiddevice thanks to the first and free official app aroundAfricanfootball.Keep updated with live alerts for goals, lineups andfinalscore.With your Orange Africa Cup of Nations, SOUTH AFRICA2013official app :- Enjoy the LIVE match pages with live text commentary,statistics,line-ups and much more!- Watch daily game highlights each evening at 00:00 GMT+1- Enjoy Top goals video at the end of each group day- Dig into the past with the Orange African Cup of Nations,ANGOLA2010 and Orange Africa Cup of Nations, GABON – EQUATORIALGUINEA2012 archives- Get news from the teams and pick up your favorite team- Have full access to fixtures and results for each stage oftheevent- Discover and get full details on each participating teamandsquad- Discover the five fantastic South African venues- Share you passion on Twitter (#CAN2013) and FacebookWith this amazing official app, experience all the thrillsfromthe Orange Africa Cup of Nations, SOUTH AFRICA 2013 from the19thof January until the 10th of February.
Sélection C10 1.0.1
Netco Sports Group
Avec C10 suivez l’équipe de France defootballet créez votre propre sélection parmi les 100joueurspotentiellement sélectionnables.Retrouvez toute l'actualité et tous les résultats des bleusainsique les statistiques des joueurs.Sélection C10 c'est l'application indispensable pour les fansdesbleus.
RTL Football 2.1.0
Netco Sports Group
With your RTL Football app, feel all thefrenchfootball and follow the National French Team to Brazil forthe 2014World Cup !Get LIVE scoring and get goal alerts for the followingfixtures:- Ligue 1- Ligue 2- Equipe de France- Coupe de la Ligue- Coupe de FranceGet the latest results, rankings and news from RTLjournalistsfor the following fixtures :- UEFA Champions League.- UEFA Europa League.- Liga- Premier League- Calcio- Bundesliga- And the french fixtures
Fédération française d’athléti 2.1.7
Netco Sports Group
The official app of the FFA for all fans of athletics!